Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007

Sorry for the lack of updates... studying like a mania, nearly 24/7 (had to take an Iron Fist break last week), for my NASD licensing exams.
After two weeks of this, I'm almost convinced I should've gone on to law school like mom and dad wanted... the LSATs can't be much worse than this, I tell ya.
See you all soon...tooddles.
Thursday, September 13, 2007

As many of you know, I cut pretty much all DC books from my pull months ago, but I'll admit, I've been slowly pulled back into the fold... and, until yesterday, I wasn't terribly happy about (I know, I know... it's my own fault). But seriously, Justice League of America: Wedding Special, written by my man, Dwayne McDuffie, blows the lid off and is a comic that I wouly highly recommend to everyone.
I gave Brad Meltzer's go at the book a try (mainly because of Doctor Impossible) but I just wasn't sold on it. Ignoring the mischaracterization, the continuity inaccuracies, and the unnecessary violence (Grundy's a cannibal?), the biggest reason I was put off by the book is that it just wasn't terribly fun - none of the characters seemed like they wanted to be there.
But in Wedding Special, McDuff and co. fix that problem in one shot, and do the unthinkable in this day and age: they leave me immediately wanting to read the next issue! Good job, DM! I can't wait for your run on the book to start.

Just let me say I love the Avengers and everything that comes with 'em, no doubt.
Yes, I am excited about the Secret Invasion story coming up. Invasion, according to Bendis, had seeds planted way back in Avengers: Disassembled, but the "event" ball really started rolling when the Avengers, trying to save Daredevil's ex, Echo, discovered a Skrull posing as Hand-head-honcho, Elektra, and for who knows how long?
Issues following, see the team contemplating the potential of an all out Skrullocaust, and Luke Cage growing more and more mistrusting of his team, eventually calling a time out for a day. But with #34, the team reconvenes to try and get to the bottom of some things.
So what's up with the cover?
Well, to alleviate some of the tension, Doctor Strange (who's now sleeping with Night Nurse, his sidekick from BKV's The Oath... so much for subtlety, huh Bendis?) introduces a spell to that can display the true nature of each team member, thus identifying who's a Skrull and who's not (what?). Seems like a good plan to the team, and honeslty, it makes for a pretty good visual tool.
The spell's results are pretty much what we see on the cover:
- Cage sees himself as Power Man
- Iron Fist is just a warrior in a long line
- Jessica Jones as her former superhero identity of Jewel
- Spider-man is a nerdy kid
- Echo shows that she's takes her inspiration from Daredevil
- Hawkeye's soul reveals he idolizes Cap
- Doctor Strange still sees himself as a physician
- and Wolverine reveals the spirit of a samurai
Not sure I buy Cage seeing himself as Power Man... something about it just seems kind of, I don't know... lazy... like nobody's really taking the right consideration's with the character (I don't know if that makes sense, and I'm not sure I really want to get into it, so...)
But another thing: when the spell is cast, Luke is conveniently holding his daughter, the newly named Danielle. We know for a "fact" that something's up with the kid because of her glowing green eyes from an issue or so back.
Yeah, it's possible I'm looking for clues where there really aren't' any, but I can't help but think it's significant that Cage is holding the kid.
Oh, and in # 32, Luke spends almost the whole issue explaining (to us) how each team member has changed, when it's pretty clear he's the most different out of the bunch. Where's the yellow shirt? The tiara? Those gold teeth? What - married? An Avenger?
I think Bendis is trying to throw us off the scent.
Oh, and maybe Doctor Strange is one too... more on this in a later post, maybe.
And there's Leinil Francis Yu's art. It's just not working for me. This isn't to say I don't like Yu's work sometimes, because I do. But I think he's a bad fit for New Avengers. The cast is too damn big for him, and when you add in Bendis's insistence on keeping the entire team together in one room (or plane) nearly every issue, it means Yu's averaging somewhere around 5 characters per panel... that'd be hard for anybody to do.
Still okay with Yu's art? Hey, that's cool. But just as a test, take a look at the last page of #34, and (ignoring the dialogue) try to tell me exactly what the hell's going on?
Go ahead, I'll wait...
Thursday, September 6, 2007

Several folks have recently asked me about Danger Ace, so I thought it might be good to run a quick update for those of you that bought a copy.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Bad Simian: So, TCB, what's so special about Deathstroke # 7?
TCB: Well, let's see... aside from a killer cover by big Mike Zeck, it's part two of the underrated City of Assassins story that introduced the third Vigilante, Pat Trayce, so that's pretty cool.
But I guess the main reason I picked it up, originally, was for the Deathstroke/Batman fight.
BS: Batman fights Deathstroke? Wow, yeah, that sounds exciting. So how's that happen?
TCB: Essentially, Deathstroke's trying to find an assassin who's killing all of Gotham City's major gangsters, which of course, brings him face-to-face with Batman, who believes Deathstroke might be the killer... and things pretty much go badass from there.
BS: So who wins?
TCB: Well, it's Slade's book, so who do you think? But this had been a fight fans were asking for in the letters pages for years, and Wolfman really delivered the goods. Not to give too much away, but it ends with Deathstroke telling Batman to stay down, Bats not listening and, ultimately, ending up on the receiving end of one of the greatest roundhouse kicks ever...
BS: Yikes. That sounds pretty brutal.
TCB: Yeah, it is.

Covers for Mighty Avengers # 7, New Avengers # 35, and Mighty Avengers #8
Y'know, I'm not usually one to poo poo a story before I've had the opportunity to read it, but this whole Venom symbiotes versus the Avengers thing wreaks of "But damn, we've run outta ideas."
But I think I know what happened here.
Bendis, under a tight editorial deadline, was looking through some old stuff in his office and found one of his "Cool Story Ideas For When I'm A Writer At Marvel" notebooks from the 90s (hey, I've got a few myself) and found this little gem inside, plotted and ready to go.
All he really had to do was change a few names - Sersi to Ms. Marvel, Hercules to Sentry, Black Knight to Ares, Druid to Doctor Strange, Deathcry to Wolverine... you get the idea.
That can be the only explanation, right?
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007